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Search: Posts Made By: Hayley
Forum: Safety 2014-08-21, 11:00am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
My point was it didn't matter which system you...

My point was it didn't matter which system you were to put together, unless you had your exhaust being at a minimum 10 feet from your intake fresh air (that can just be an open window), no system...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-21, 10:57am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
I am not sure what fume catching systems you are...

I am not sure what fume catching systems you are referring to? As in the one you posted the link to in post #2?
Forum: Safety 2014-08-21, 10:21am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
I see what you mean now. Unfortunately it's...

I see what you mean now. Unfortunately it's pointless setting up any ventilation system if you are just going to bring the exhausted fume right back into your space. So sorry...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 8:56pm
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
You can still go through the window except that...

You can still go through the window except that you will need to continue on with your ducting on the outside turning it away from the other window until the opening is 10 feet from the window for...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 8:46am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
For a hood, I have seen systems using aluminum...

For a hood, I have seen systems using aluminum tubs with a hole cut out for ducting. I recommend getting a contractor/handyman to do it for you.
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 8:38am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
Please measure it when you get home. If it's less...

Please measure it when you get home. If it's less than 10 feet, you will have to continue your ducting on the outside away from the intake air window until the distance is at least 10 feet.
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 7:37am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Posted By Hayley
How far apart are the two windows? You need 10...

How far apart are the two windows? You need 10 linear feet between the exhausted fume and the fresh intake air as not to draw the bad air back inside.
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