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Search: Posts Made By: sparklyofyourveryown
Forum: Safety 2014-08-21, 10:51am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
I'm still a little unclear as to why these fume...

I'm still a little unclear as to why these fume catching systems can't handle this? I get needing to bring air back into the room, but I'm not sure why these fume eaters can't handle the fumes from...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-21, 6:21am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Hayley - I get what you're saying; I just think...

Hayley - I get what you're saying; I just think the HOA would have something to say about a big snake of ducting hanging down from the window! :???:
I didn't have the time to measure last night;...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 9:11am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Can't happen - like I said, it's a townhome in a...

Can't happen - like I said, it's a townhome in a complex. If I can't put it through the window, I'm S.O.L.
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 7:46am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
I am honestly not sure. Could be 10. Probably...

I am honestly not sure. Could be 10. Probably not, though. I'll check when I get home.
Forum: Safety 2014-08-20, 6:57am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Larry, For right now, I'm definitely only...

For right now, I'm definitely only working with a very small (MAPP) torch with Hot Head, as well as the world's tiniest, cruddiest kiln (someday, I will get a real kiln. Someday. Oh, yes....
Forum: Safety 2014-08-18, 11:14am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Thanks, Donna! The door/other room window...

Thanks, Donna!
The door/other room window option isn't going to work for me, because of the kitties. :-(
But keep 'em coming! And it's good to know I'm not the only one who has trouble with the...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-18, 8:32am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
FWIW, so far, this one has made the most sense to...

FWIW, so far, this one has made the most sense to me, though I would need to figure out a way to do it through a window instead of a hole in the wall, and it doesn't go into intake air to make up for...
Forum: Safety 2014-08-18, 7:04am
Replies: 23
Views: 30,452
Unhappy Ventilation - pretty please, help!

OK, here’s the thing.
I’ve spent literally two years trying to figure out how to ventilate for enameling and, more recently, lampworking, and am so confused and completely paralyzed that I have...
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

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