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Old 2009-07-24, 10:31am
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Shrimp Shrimp is offline
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Join Date: Oct 05, 2005
Location: The Shrimp Shack
Posts: 3,230
Default Preheating for Hothead Users

Tink's rod preheating idea is fabulous. However, being a hothead user, I can't always depend on a toasted marshmallow when I want one. In the past, I have always preheated my rods in a glass jar filled with HOT tap water. I switched from that idea over to a mini crockpot filled with water. I just pull a rod from the water as needed, quickly dry it off and go straight into the flame. I like the added bonus of having my rods cleaned as they are heating.

I found that I really like the mini crockpot for it's originally intended culinary purpose, so I plan to use an old coffee mug placed on my cup warming plate.
