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Old 2013-10-03, 12:06pm
khan khan is offline
Join Date: Jan 12, 2012
Posts: 79

I have to wonder where that thinking about it not being good for the machine to fill to 2000lbs. I mean i have 2 of the Homefills and i usually stop at about 1800 because it slows down so much but i dont think its really bad for the machine because those are built to fill to 2000 everytime they are used. I have had mine open and done maintainence on it and just looking at the workings gives me the impression that its not hurting it at all.
It seems to be doing exactly the same thing at 2000 that its doing at 1000. If you ever open it up and see the small size of the last compressor cylinder you will realize that it is only putting in like one cubic inch of oxygen with each stroke. And it moves really slow compared to other compressors. It looks to me like it would be simple if it ever needs parts installed.
What seems to go wrong on mine the most is it develops tiny leaks that need to be checked and fixed alot. Anyway i just wanted to put in my thoughts about the filling to 2000 lbs thing.
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