Thread: Lumiere lusters
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Old 2018-05-31, 2:07pm
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Moira Moira is offline
Join Date: Jan 10, 2016
Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 88

I've re-read the tutorial and tried again.

This time I started with a barrel instead of a round bead, very hot; laid the flakes onto a graphite marver instead of putting them in a metal spoon; and burnished for longer. They stuck much better.

Other things I noticed: the flakes really show their colour best on black, though dark transparents are ok. Thin encasement, applied one wrap at a time, works best. You can get away with pale transparent glass instead of clear, but too much obscures the flake colour. And the flake colour seems to burn out if worked too hot.

Here are my practice attempts, using Aqua Verde, Inferno and Electra Opal. I'm gradually improving! Sorry about the manky photo.

And - yes, it seems to fuse happily. These drops are 2mm clear over 2mm black with Electra Opal in between, fused at 780 degrees C.
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