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Old 2021-03-21, 6:14pm
Brontobrat Brontobrat is offline
Join Date: Feb 10, 2021
Location: Texas/Colorado
Posts: 31

The first color I tried had devitrification I dunno...

Originally Posted by BeaDangerous View Post
I've been pleased with the glass once I learned how slowly I need to warm it. I bought a bunch of their assortments, and they do make some beautiful colors. The rods are quite thick and wonky, some full of tiny bubbles, and I've got one that I haven't been able to warm up at all, it explodes immediately. I have had a little devitrification, strangely even on a couple of transparent colors.
On the plus side, it's cheap, has a slightly stiffer texture so you really can't overheat it accidentally and lose the shape or details. I haven't had ANY of it burn or get scummy, even the turquoises and opaque purples stay true. And usually once I've used a rod, it's a little easier to warm up the next time. They ship fast and package well too. I haven't had any problem mixing it with other 104 glasses.
Get a little assortment bundle and give it a chance, you might like it!
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