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Old 2008-06-23, 7:45pm
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RaymondMillbrae RaymondMillbrae is offline
Join Date: Dec 29, 2007
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Posts: 207

OK, folks-n-folkettes,

it's all coming to an end, soon.

The other night I hooked-up all the wires, finished the duct work, and got all the fuel hoses hooked-up. It was around 0200 in dee morning...but DWP didn't care. She wanted to play with her new toy...and play with it NOOOOOOOW!! Ha ha ha. (Below are a few pictures of her that night. Notice my gecko cage to her left, in the living-room).

Look at the last picture. Look at the smile and happiness in her face.

Oh my gosh...I love that woman sooooooooooooo much! She's awesome.'s a picture of the table as it stands right now, the 23rd of June.

The table is so comfortable to sit in now. It was lowered 3" inches from it's original height. Then we added the center support legs, Plexiglass side baffles (to let light in), and a glass rod holder above the range hood. (I will also add diagonal Plexiglass dividers in the tubes to divide them in two - hence giving her DOUBLE the glass space for her 104COE inventory).

Also notice the duct tubing. The part that you see is PERMANENTLY attached to the table. When she wants to bead, she grabs a 5" foot duct tube, attaches it to the existing duct tubing...and whammy...she's ready to bead. (Look at the above pictures, of her beading, to see what I'm talking about).

There are still five more things left to do before I am totally done.

1) Cut the diagonal Pexiglas dividers to double her glass rod storage space.
2) Finish making her matching 3' foot work bench. (I'm cutting a little "heart" on the bench for her).
3) I want to redo a section of the wiring. (It'll be replaced with the METAL ENCASED 12-gauge wiring you see on the floor).
4) I am building a custom "block," to block the fumes from backdrafting back in from where the duct tube exits the sliding glass doors.
5) I am building her a cool little shelf, designed to hold her jewlery tools, spools of wires, and frit bottles.

In closing, I will post the finished set-up in a new thread in the near future. It may be a long thread, but it will have a lot of pictures, and I will explain all my madness in detail.

Thanks for looking, and I hoped this helped someone out.

In Christ: Raymond

Last edited by RaymondMillbrae; 2008-06-24 at 6:37am. Reason: Because I'm not making a 3" inch work bench
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