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Old 2016-05-13, 9:43am
Robin Passovoy Robin Passovoy is offline
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Join Date: Dec 31, 2009
Posts: 504

I roll up bottles in a plastic garbage bag, place them on a concrete surface, and then hit them with a hammer to break them up. Very cathartic, but unwrapping requires care and tweezers.

Most iridizing treatments, except for what you'll find on fusible glass, don't survive in the flame very well. I've tried it with iridized aquarium gems and stained glass scrap, and that pretty coating vanishes almost immediately.

Removing labels can be tricky; Sometimes they're printed directly onto the glass and can be impossible to remove, which is why I avoid those. Plastic labels are easy, they just peel off. Paper labels take hot water, soap, and elbow grease to remove. If the stickum holding the labels on refuses to come off, I use a dab of "Goo Gone", which is basically orange oil, to get rid of it.
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