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Old 2012-07-04, 8:27am
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clover1978 clover1978 is offline
Join Date: Apr 14, 2012
Location: colorado
Posts: 35

I'm out in western CO. Its been stinking hot here for the last few weeks and I expect it to keep being so. In the past shops I would work starting at 7 in the evening and work into the wee hours through the night. Its murder on your sleep cycle but you don't have to be worried about heat stroke/ exhaustion. And it only lasts for the summer until you have to be concerned with being cold in the winter lol.
I liked the idea of putting the AC unit under the station like someone suggested. Makes perfect sense cause anywhere else and we all know it doesn't help much. Thankfully my current shop has great insulation in the roof but still around 3 or so in the afternoon it gets toasty from the combined heat of the kiln and torch.
This question/ dilemma will continue to plague lamp workers. If you're not baking you're freezing, such is the craft lol
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