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Old 2014-06-09, 8:41pm
GlassAlias GlassAlias is offline
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Join Date: Sep 13, 2012
Location: Albany, NY
Posts: 172

This was done as an experiment with bismuth(which doesnt work btw) but it can easily be done with silver. I shave the silver from an old coin with a very fine file( a chainsaw blade sharpener works the best so far). Then arrange the shavings in a circular pattern. Make whatever size mariah you like to work with for marbles and dab it down red hot onto the shaving circle. The trick is to compress it SLIGHTLY one time then coat the back of the mariah with clear to cover/protect the silver from too much flame, but do it in a spiral pattern starting from the center. Then copress one more time silghtly, just enough to get texture to the swirl. Im sure that different colored glass powders could be added/used also for different colors. The key I believe is not to do too much compressing and cause the design to come up into the mariah too far.
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