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Old 2008-04-06, 4:18pm
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Megan Megan is offline
On A Lampwork Hiatus
Join Date: Aug 30, 2005
Location: Daytona Florida
Posts: 1,427

I have to say that I totally hate the price of some glass but I don't begrudge them from charging what they have to make due.. I hate the price because I want it and can't have it because #1 I can't afford it and #2 I am too cheap to spend $100 a pound on glass or even $50 for that matter..

I guess the way I see it is most glass sellers probably make most of their $$ in the odd lots and charge more for the odd stuff to offset the lower profit margin on the regular glass. If you can live without purchasing every oddlot or silver color that comes out, $11 to $15 a pound I can handle..

I do have a question though for the smaller glass sellers, please don't take this the wrong way, but I wonder why would you keep putting yourself through the hassle and work of selling the glass if your only making a couple bucks per hour?
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