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Old 2013-11-24, 8:42am
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Eileen Eileen is offline
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Join Date: Oct 11, 2010
Location: Florida
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And remember that you can buy glass there, and compared to the cost of getting there & the class, etc. the $1 a rod you pay for most colors is a drop in the bucket if you need to fill in with more rods. I brought a lot of glass, but still ended up not having all the colors I needed & never touched some of what I brought, and bought about 8 rods of colors I didn't bring. So bring what you think you'll use, and just figure on buying anything else you end up needing.
I'm assuming you'll be doing some encasing and will need clear, but it's hard to guess for the rest. If you have some premium colors you like to use, maybe bring a little of that?
My current "hot" fantasy involves a senior discount on glass & tools!
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