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Old 2005-08-18, 6:51pm
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Shawn T Shawn T is offline
Surrounded by Trouble
Join Date: Jun 05, 2005
Location: Alabama
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My Kiln is right next to my work table in my studio. I turn my kiln on first thing every morning, and don't turn it off till the very end of the night.
I Put my beads in the kiln right after I am done making them from the torch. It depend on the glass I am using how hot they are when they go in. As some glass likes to go in hotter than others.
I think what your seeing is people who batch anneal their beads. Which would mean, they put them in vermiculite or a fiber blanket and than anneal them in the kiln at another time. Some people do this as they don't make many beads at one time, and it cuts down on the cost and time of running your kiln. Someone who does this I am sure would be able to answer better as the pro of this situation.
I do make beads everyday and make enough in one day to run my kiln everyday. Well most days I make enough.
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