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Old 2020-01-18, 7:21am
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Speedslug Speedslug is offline
Join Date: Mar 21, 2009
Location: Winnebago, MN
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When I googled the word Verrophone I found three videos, of which two were distinct enough for me to see and hear the instrument in action.

Of those 2, the first looks like you would not have to 'prefect' the the art of polishing the glass because it is played on the side of the tube instead of on the ends.
The second looks like you would indeed have to get good at shaping the ends of the glass tubes to get a usable lip.

In either case you are going to want spend hours practicing the polishing because the vibrations involved will find the weakest spot in the tube over time and the glass will eventually develop cracks and break if you are lucky or shatter if you are not.

And then there is the problem of finding the proper length to cut them at before the polishing which will change the pitch I would think.

Lots of experimenting -after- you learn the polishing skill in itself.

Good luck with this and please let us know what you learn as you go about this.

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Last edited by Speedslug; 2020-01-18 at 4:21pm.
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