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Old 2007-11-17, 1:42pm
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Judi_B Judi_B is offline
Join Date: Sep 08, 2005
Location: Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
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Default Electric Mandrel Spinner - Help!

I got my EMS last week and have spent several hours over 4 sessions trying to get the hang of it, but I can't make a round bead with it to save my soul! I can round up a bead without any trouble at all without the EMS. I thought maybe my 1/16" mandrels were bent a little, even though I couldn't see it. So I've been using just 3/32" mandrels, and I know they're not bent. I can tune it so the mandrel is spinning true, but no matter what I do I end up with an off center bead and can't round it up. I am definitely EMS challenged! Any suggestions?
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