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Old 2005-12-10, 8:03pm
misfit misfit is offline
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Join Date: Jul 14, 2005
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I cut mine in 1 foot sections and glued it togeather with pvc cement. the first rach I did was built up like a triangle. ( legths glued togeather then others glued in between where they meet) it got too large rapidly and I gave it to a teaching studio because it was large enough to fit on their table between 6 students (ugh) my new one is glued togeather like a square/rectangle. ( each length basically glued to 4 others.) Both get heavy fast. Takes myself and another man to move mine at this point. But no other shelving is needed and it is basically impossible at its current height to be knocked over. also the pvc pipe I used is large enough to comfortably hold more than a pound of glass. Also the little "squares" made when the pipe is glued togeather is great for holding the stringers- I simply put them in the right hand top hole nearest the pipe of the rods I pulled it from. Hope this explaination is clear enough to help.

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