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Old 2012-05-23, 12:22pm
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EJohnsonArtGlass EJohnsonArtGlass is offline
berry lady
Join Date: Sep 30, 2008
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Posts: 76

I'm sorry about the premature failure of your SC-2 muffles. This is very unusual for an SC-2 kiln. Do you remember where the element burned out on the first muffle? Can you see where it burned out on the second muffle?

The four element connectors must be very tight. A loose connector usually burns out. If this has happened to your kiln, then you probably don't need to replace the muffle.

You can tell by removing the kiln's back cover and looking at the element connectors. If a connector has fallen off, you can reattach the element wire using a new element connector.
Thank you very much for the advice. Last time I had my kiln repaired by a serviceman. I'll ask him if he remembers the location of the break in the element.

I truly hope a loose connector is the problem this time. I will check the connectors and report back here.

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