Thread: Pipe tutorials
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Old 2012-04-18, 3:15pm
Afro1621 Afro1621 is offline
Join Date: Nov 29, 2011
Location: Costa Rica
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by James Lewis View Post
I do wish though i had the money for lessons.

Believe me when I say I've learned a lot more techniques and stuff now that when I used to go to classes. I don't mean my mentor didn't know what he was doing 'cause he's actually been doing it for over ten years and damn he's a PRO!! But from my point of view I've had the chance to experiment on my own and see the outcome and learn from that too. I'm not saying it is easy, 'cause it really isn't (there's a lot of research and reading and pain in the ass) but the satisfaction you get when you are able to create something starting from zero is priceless!!!!

So, you're doing good so far just don't get discouraged when something doesn't turn out the way you would've wanted the first time.
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