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Old 2018-03-23, 10:49pm
Ravenesque Ravenesque is offline
Join Date: Sep 22, 2009
Posts: 1,203

I use fusion for the very reason that you are looking for! It's so easy to remove beads. So, I will ask, are your mandrels old? I do have the hardest time removing beads from old mandrels. I start to notice they're getting hard to remove and I toss it or flip it. Figure we make beads in the same spot often and that starts to wear away.

You mentioned the release breaking too? That's another thing I don't have with fusion unless it's just too watered down.

In the old days when I used bucket of mudd I would throw some vinegar into the cup they were sitting in waiting for removal and that helped break it down, but again, if the mandrels were 'done' they would get stuck no matter.
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