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Old 2011-07-23, 6:17am
HelenC HelenC is offline
Join Date: Nov 29, 2005
Location: Canberra Australia
Posts: 131

I made some little 2cm dishes for work a few weeks ago.
They wanted them to run thru the soldering machine to make sure the melt temp was right.
I melted a large gather at the end of a clear rod, flattened it on my marver then pulled it away from the rod a bit.
Then I heated it and pressed it into my large lentil press base using the end of a large ring mandrel. That curved the glass up and formed a lip.
I flattened the base, put on a punty, removed the rod then the punty used tweezers and put them in the kiln.
It took me a few goes to get them even but seeing as it was my first time with boro they turned out ok.
The engineer was thought I'd bought them and was very surprised when I told him I'd made them.
Probably not the most elegant way but it worked for me.
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