Thread: Burns
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Old 2011-06-25, 12:28pm
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JenP JenP is offline
Plays with Fire
Join Date: Dec 29, 2006
Location: California
Posts: 229

Oh Marge, that sounds awful. Glad you are okay!
We probably should all be using leather aprons, but it's so easy to get comfortable and not bother. I really need to get one myself.
I had a really large, bad torch burn to my hand several years ago, and another nice safely item that go me back on the torch was the kevlar sleeve. I couldn't tolerate the heat at first putting my hand near the torch at all and was really afraid. I got fingerless kevlar sleeves that I used on my injured hand for awhile, was not very expensive and blocked some of the heat (and alot of the fear!). they are very lightweight and comfortable and keep my arms from getting burned by popping glass. I haven't worn it much lately unless I'm making really big stuff but at least I know I can if I want to.
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