Thread: Burns
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Old 2011-06-24, 7:58pm
SageCreekStudio SageCreekStudio is offline
Keep on keepin' on...
Join Date: Aug 25, 2005
Location: Where the cupcakes migrate
Posts: 181

I use a leather apron when I torch. I used to get burned from glass popping because I didn't introduce it to the flame slow enough. Since I got the apron I have alot less burns and feel much safer. I also have alot less holey shirts! My apron goes past my knees, so I can now wear shorts when I'm at the torch and I'm still safe so its not quite so hot. I think I paid about $30.00 for my apron from a welding supply place. I've also had glass pop into my hair, which is no fun at all having a bald spot, so now I also wear a bandana or a one of those little hats the welders wear under their helmets.

Get an apron, you won't regret it!

I hope your burn continues to heal, I'm so sorry that happened to you!
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