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Old 2014-10-25, 3:51pm
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Eileen Eileen is offline
Loving learning
Join Date: Oct 11, 2010
Location: Florida
Posts: 11,654

#1 - I very rarely dunk beads in my water, but I do use it to stick my finger in if I burn myself to quickly cool the burn, and have used it once when something was smoldering on my bench. Do you have fire extinguishers handy? Or buckets of water, sand, etc. in case something does catch fire?

#2 - 8 feet to the side, in front, what? In any case I think 8 feet is more than is needed.

I do have a plexiglass screen that I used to keep hot glass from shooting into the shelving past my torch table, because there was a lot of flammable materials in that area and I didn't want hot glass landing in it.

#3 - I've heard you can ruin tools by putting them in the flame, and some metals can give off gases, so I don't do it except for my tungsten.

#4 - I have heard that you should point the rod away from anyone if possible until it is warm, and try to do it, but don't always remember. I'm trying to make it a habit.
My current "hot" fantasy involves a senior discount on glass & tools!
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