Thread: crowly marver
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Old 2015-02-27, 12:30pm
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I have a mini CC with the Crowley marver. When I first had it, the metal on the side of the marver bugged me, as David said, as I liked to use the side of the marver for the side of the bead. I've gotten used to it, though, and adapted how I work. I really like the large surface area.

When I first had it, I had no idea what the big cross-shaped hole underneath the graphite was. Then I saw someone from Carlisle at Bead Fest, and all of the other graphite shapes that can be used in combination with it. How cool is that!?! I only have the marble mold, but there are so many other options to go with it. The marble mold, and probably the others, also provide a lot of surface area on the side, too.
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