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2010-08-08, 11:26am
Marbles, dude, Marbles
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Some eyes, from FLOW tutorial
A marble a day keeps the 'willies' away.
Gerald Kappel
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2010-08-08, 5:06pm
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wow, Gerald, those are fantastic results!!! Seems like a silly question in light of your pieces, but did you find the tute relatively easy to follow? I was a bit worried about being clear and concise enough. What have been the reactions of people you showed these to?
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Running a To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. by Miema on LPG and oxy bottles and a GTT Mirage.

2010-08-08, 6:41pm
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Looked for the tutorial. No luck finding it. Do you have a link please?

2010-08-09, 6:49am
Marbles, dude, Marbles
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I'm hoping that this is the link and it works. Anyways, this link is from 'the melting pot' site "posted by NudibranchArtGlass on 01/18/2010" titled 'how to make more realistic eyes'. The 'melting pot' post shows how to do the iris (which is 99% of getting the eye to look real). The summer 2010 issue of the Flow magazine has the full tut, called 'Dragon's Eye' which includes the white of the eye and the surrounding flesh, starting on page 60. Say, Wickedglass - is this you? What's a wombat eye look like?
Yes, the tut was relatively easy to follow. After making my first eye, studying it, thinking about it and sleeping on it a night or two I started saying things like 'Oh, that's why he says to do it like that.....' So now I'm playing with different colors for the irises, although my wife keeps telling me to stick with the blue lightning because it really looks good.
Sometimes I read a tut and I think that a step was left out or a picture wasn't photographed well and left me confused, but this Dragon's Eye tut had none of those problems. Step by step it all made sense. Thanks very much.
Honestly, one person saw the eye on a chain around my neck and lifted his arm up to cover his eyes as he spun around and walked away!
A store clerk looked at it and asked if the eye was from a dead pet!
A marble a day keeps the 'willies' away.
Gerald Kappel
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2010-08-09, 8:18am
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HAHAHAHA! That's too funny! Try walking around Borneo with one of those around your neck while keeping on a straight face!
And yes, that's me (Aussie on the other forum), there's a tute around here, somewhere, too. I'm glad it all made sense, the Flow tute was my first proper tute and it was good for me to know what's involved, thanks for posting your results and your feedback. It's the first I've gotten so far from the more comprehensive Flow article.
As to wombats, you don't want to get close enough to look them in the eye. Honestly, all those pictures you see of people cuddling them are the rare ones who are used to humans. The ones out in the bush can be very crotchety. As far as I can tell you, they're brown and have round pupils ... I can also tell you that the Southern Hairy Nosed Wombat got its name because it has unusually large ears .. for a wombat. Hope that helps
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Running a To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. by Miema on LPG and oxy bottles and a GTT Mirage.

2010-08-11, 11:33am
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Xcellent tut Chris ... I've made about 50 of them since the mag came out ... TY for sharing that Iris creation! Where's your Glass Challenge entry ???
~ Temet Nosce ~

2010-08-12, 3:46pm
Join Date: Jul 06, 2010
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Wow wickedglass that is so cool that tutorial was yours! Kevin and I were in Nortel when we picked up the magazine, and your tutorial was what made us buy it! Very cool, great job.

2010-08-13, 6:21am
Join Date: Feb 18, 2007
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thanks, great to get feedback, I'm glad you are enjoying them. I recently got invited to go to Turkey next year to teach this technique!!! Fun awaits!!!
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Running a To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. by Miema on LPG and oxy bottles and a GTT Mirage.

2010-08-13, 6:49am
AKA Annan Designs
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I agree with the good comments about the tutorial. I have made a few eyes but don't have one good enough to post yet (my errors, not the tutorial.) I showed a couple to folks at work and had two people want one and one or two others who were grossed out. But it is a very good tutorial and I'm glad you sent it to The Flow. I think I'll work on one this weekend - I'll post if I get one good enough to share.

2010-08-17, 9:47pm
Join Date: Jan 26, 2007
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I finally got time to try this on a pendant for my sister.
Certainly not perfect, but still pretty darn nifty, and doubly so since I was doing it from memory (left the article inside...oops).
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2010-08-18, 9:28am
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Oh, well done, that's almost like driving a car without a steering wheel! Off to a good start, though!!!
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Running a To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. by Miema on LPG and oxy bottles and a GTT Mirage.

2010-08-18, 9:41am
Join Date: Jan 26, 2007
Location: Auburn, MA
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Thanks  I'm pretty sure a lot of the wonkiness is from my impatience LOL
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2010-08-18, 9:02pm
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Really happy to find this thread!
I got the mag, was really happy to find the tut!
Was wondering if you can suggest some different color combinations that work well?
I will order the specific colors to try.. but until then... I am not happy with the results I got yet but only tried 3 and they are improving.
This is me learning... not the tut. very well explained!
Do play with fire!
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2010-08-19, 8:09am
Marbles, dude, Marbles
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So far I haven't found anything better than blue lightning. I did try using white instead of black as the core (don't remember what I covered with clear for the iris!) and the result was 'not acceptable' - the iris was all washed out. This weekend I plan on trying some other colors. I'll post what works and what doesn't.
A marble a day keeps the 'willies' away.
Gerald Kappel
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2010-08-19, 5:01pm
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others I've had good results with are
amber purple over black (ap over white will give you a strange, almost albino like eye), cherry brandy over a yellow base for a dragon look (I used one of momka's crayon yellow colours can't remember which, I think it was lemon or sunshine), nile (also river agate) over black or white for different brown eyes, silver pine over white, glasstronix green over white will give you a decent green, there are others, but I can't remember off the top off my head. Generally speaking, the fumy colours are good on a black background and opaque colours over a light background ... but that's a generalisation and there are exceptions. Playing around is half the fun, but those suggestions above should give you something to go on, hope it helps.
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Running a To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. by Miema on LPG and oxy bottles and a GTT Mirage.

2010-08-19, 6:57pm
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I read through the tutorial a couple of times...haven't tried it yet, but seems clear enough to me. Great job on the eyes!
~Heidi ~
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2010-08-20, 5:30am
Run Free Sweet Boy
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I have been having fun making a mess of things concerning the eyeballs. Nothing acceptable yet.. but getting there.
NEW FLAMINGO BEACH BEAD TUTORIAL AVAILABLE NOW.CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT AND ICICLE TUTORIAL, VISIT MY ETSY SHOP AT To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
"It's not what you have, it's who you are."

2010-08-23, 8:40pm
Marbles, dude, Marbles
Join Date: Jan 06, 2007
Location: Coral Springs, Florida
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Here's a red eye and a yellow eye for your viewing pleasure
The red eye's iris is made with blue lightning, china white from ABR and NS light ruby. I'm wearing this one (until I make something else that I'd rather wear). The yellow eye is the largest thing I've made so far (in 15 years) using a crayon color. I guess I finally figured out how to use the crayons without burning them, or, the batch of yellow crayon I got from GA a year ago was a really good batch. Anyway, the iris is green exotic reduced and covered with clear. (I hope no one can notice the two cracks in the iris-man, major bummer-gives me incentive to try something else!) 
A marble a day keeps the 'willies' away.
Gerald Kappel
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2010-08-23, 8:53pm
Critter Mom
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Your wife is right that blue is perfect...I like the other one too, but partial to the blue. Wonderful work.
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2010-08-25, 9:55am
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Great job everyone! I tried my hand at the tut. Great tut, BTW, easy to understand and follow.
Here's my first two ~ didn't have the right color but winged it  Second one looks like it's been on a bender for a while
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2010-10-24, 10:06am
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I LOVE this Tutorial !!!! I am still quite a newbie, just started over a year ago in softglass, and a month ago I thought I would give Boro a try, after seeing the tutorial on dragon's eyes from Wickedglass, I AM HOOKED !!!!! I have made about 10 of them now and my teenage daughter and all her friends have laid claim to just about all of them ! My neighbour thinks they look too real, and gets spooked everytime I wear one !
THANKS SO MUCH for all the great tutorials on LE, and WickedGlass, you are an inspiration to me, I LOVE the Alien Marbles, I hope one day to be able to figure those ones out to ! Here's a couple of my latest ones. CHEERS ....

2010-10-24, 4:24pm
Join Date: Feb 18, 2007
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thanks for posting your great eyes, everyone, I love to see them and it's fantastic feedback! I'm glad so many people have gotten something out of that tutorial. Eyes are great fun and like so many people have already told me, they can be very challenging to look at and some of the reactions are priceless 
I should also have put a little warning on my tute to the effect of:"Warning! Family members and friends will lay claim!"  Happened to me, too 
As to be found to be inspiring, that's the highest compliment, thank you very much. Keep torching!!!
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2010-10-25, 11:25am
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Those are awesome!!
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2010-10-27, 3:32pm
Join Date: Sep 27, 2010
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i loved this tutorial and think chris deserves a pat on the back,maybe then he,ll grace us with more like it.

2010-10-30, 2:14pm
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I loved this tutorial, will see if I can find the camera. I was wearing mine at the local meeting the other night and demo'd it for the group, giving you the credit, of course. I changed a few things up to meet my style but I loved it
Thanks so much
Jill Knapp Campbell To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 5 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
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2011-01-14, 6:09am
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Dr. Jester's psychology students will be dissecting cow eyeballs next week, so I made her a blingy eye to wear that day

2011-01-14, 6:24am
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2011-01-15, 8:54pm
Join Date: May 03, 2008
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I made eyes from both the basic eye tut and dragon eye tut, here are my results.
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