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Old 2011-03-10, 8:10am
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Originally Posted by Vicki B. View Post
Thank you so much for posting these instructions. I was hoping someone would explan this mysterious process. It's still mysterious though. Please tell me if my thinking is correct:

If I am right handed and the mandrel is in my left hand, the center of the flower where the stamen is, will form towards the left hand and the outer petals increasingly towards my right hand. Is that correct? it seems sort of counterintuitive and backwards, but I THINK that's what you are describing.
Your thinking is correct. I should probably turn my picture around, huh? Can I do that? Off to photoshop Hades.

ETA: I flipped my first picture, and added a second line, and second dots.

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Last edited by chrissij; 2011-03-10 at 8:34am.
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Old 2011-03-11, 3:58pm
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Thanks Chrisij,

I was thinking backwards too, but something clicked when you started talking about the stripe beads. I have yet to try this method, but am looking forward to it. I've always loved this style of petal beads but they are a challenge
Vicki B.
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Old 2011-03-17, 9:04pm
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I have admired those type of beads so. Thank you for sharing.

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Old 2011-03-26, 11:12pm
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Oh sweet! How on earth did I miss this tutorial earlier??? I have made few of these beads, but I will see if your way of doing them will give me some good shortcuts... not the most patient lampworker here.
Thank you so much for sharing, looking forward to making them.
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Old 2011-03-27, 12:37am
Maqea Maqea is offline
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These kind of beads is so pretty. One day I will be able to make them too. Thanx for sharing =)
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Old 2011-03-28, 4:05am
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Here is a small trio of petals - the petals are Rose Quartz over Periwinkle pastel. Aether is the clear.
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The Victorian Style Floral available now!
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Old 2011-03-28, 10:12pm
glvz glvz is offline
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These beads are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing with us. Maybe someday I will have the control and patience to give it a try.
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Old 2011-03-30, 7:29am
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Thank you so much, Joan! I'll never know how some people just seem to know all these techniques and I feel like I don't know anything, lol!
Anyway, I can't seem to find an opaque ink blue (pastel). =/

Also, whenever I make a striped bead, I always get an apple core shape. I can't seem to just get straight stripes without the stripes curving up on the sides, if that makes sense. Maybe the gravity will help this. I'll try.
Thanks, Patti
Patti T.
Fullerton, CA

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Last edited by truegem; 2011-03-30 at 7:33am.
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Old 2011-04-03, 2:41pm
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Joan, you are my HERO....I have been drooling over these beads and couldn't figure out how to make them. I gave it a shot and was pleased with the results - If I could kiss you I would!!!! MUAHHHH

First Attempt

Second Attempt


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Old 2011-04-03, 2:47pm
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Lori - You definitely got it!!!! Great Job!!! I love the colors you chose too!

Patti - Ink Blue Pastel is by Effetre - I got mine from Howaco, but many other suppliers have it too.

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Old 2011-04-04, 1:22pm
Baubles by eli Baubles by eli is offline
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This is the technique that I also use Joan, they take a bit of patience and a lot of practice, but very fun to make! Here are a few of mine, I like to play with color combinations. I only wish I were a better photographer

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Old 2011-04-04, 1:52pm
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Just GORGEOUS Eli!! I really love the colors you used! I need to get into decorating the outsides more - I like the way it looks, but never seem to get the muse going when the bead is finished. I guess I can't see the bead for the petals (or forest for the trees!!) Either that or the beads take so long that Ms. Muse has gone out for coffee or something....

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The Victorian Style Floral available now!
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Joan - Ancient Creator of Unique Disasters in glass!
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Old 2011-04-04, 3:14pm
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Wow!!! So beautiful!

Joan I have question, my petals often are just very round and short, is it cause I put too few of them? Should I add more dots to get them stretch thinner? I think I know the answer, but I guess I am just looking for someone to confirm, since they do take quite a long time to make, and I dont know if I can take another shortie!
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Old 2011-04-04, 3:31pm
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A question for anyone who makes these. What am I doing wrong when the petal tip ends up with a straight edge rather than the pointed end like a flower petal? The tip almost feathers at the tip with a straight edge.
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Old 2011-04-04, 5:21pm
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Hi Pia and K!! Ok - let me try to help with Pia's question first. The length of the petals comes from REPEATEDLY heating and holding the mandrel straight up and down in the direction that you want the leaves to go. It's very similar to when you make the stripe bead - there you heat one side and tip the mandrel 45 degrees and then repeat on the other side until you get the stripes to stretch out as long as you want. The difference here is that the tipping is extreme - heat the glass until it is hot enough to flow and then hold the mandrel straight up and down in your chosen direction until the glass stops moving - repeat, and then repeat again- and again- and again etc. until the petals are as long as you want. It is a l-o-n-g process! Your petals will thin out as they stretch longer. As an experiment just to see this process in action - and get a feel for how the glass moves - try just a small wrap of clear - stick a few dots around it, cover them with more clear and heat the whole thing up while holding the mandrel straight up and down with the bead in the flame. Your dots should quickly head south as the glass becomes molten and you should see them turn into long petals. It won't be a usable bead, but it will illustrate what you are doing in the actual bead - but in a more controlled manner (plus you'll get a feel for just how hot you need to be to get the petals to move on your actual bead).

K - If your petals are looking a little square, it means that your clear didn't quite cover the dot completely. When you do your clear wraps, make sure that the clear reaches over the whole dot. If, when you are melting down your wrap, you notice that the top of your dot is not rounding out, you can add a bit more clear in the area you need and then melt down again. I usually keep a thick stringer of my clear handy to fix this problem if I kind of missed the tip of my dots - it melts down faster . This should fix your problem. The feathering at the top of the square petals is caused by the heat - as the petal tip is not protected by the clear. Also, the way I get my tips to point is to heat and hold the mandrel in the other direction up and down, once most of the terminal ends (at the base of the flower) are pretty much where I want them. You can also crease the dots with a tool before you apply your clear to get a pretty and defined crease and point in the petals too.

I hope this helps! Let me know how it does for you - I can't wait to see your flowers!!

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The Victorian Style Floral available now!
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Last edited by j2canoe; 2011-04-04 at 5:26pm.
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Old 2011-04-04, 7:31pm
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Joan, you're the best!! Thanks so much for your generous, detailed tutorial!


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Old 2011-04-05, 1:44am
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Eli your beads are incredible!! Joan's are amazing in person! I have the technique down, but not the even ness (if that's a word - or two).

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Old 2011-04-05, 4:48am
Baubles by eli Baubles by eli is offline
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Thanks so much Joan, Pia and Janet. This is one of my favorite beads to make. The trick to "even ness" is placing your petal dots with the same amount of glass for each dot and making them as uniformly spaced as possible.

Also, after the first application of clear glass on the dots, I also stretch them using movement of the mandrel, but I add another round of clear on top of the dots to stretch them further. This will give even more depth to the layers of petals as well.

I pull stringers in the coordinating colors for the exterior decoration just in case I feel like making them more whimsical. I know what you mean about keeping the muse going after the petals are finished. It's a long process to get that accomplished.

Pia, the dots do tend to be narrower when you use more dots in a row. The fewer dots you use, the more they have a chance to spread out in width rather then stretch out in length, if that makes sense ;o)
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Old 2011-04-08, 7:06am
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Everything is so beautiful! I made one on accident once and this is how I made it... I think. I haven't made one since. Great tut, thanks a bunch!

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Old 2011-04-08, 8:07am
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Mine never turn out like this. I think a lot of us would be very happy to pay for a tutorial with some pictues. Just can't get there.
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Old 2011-04-08, 8:46am
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Awesome that this tutorial got bumped. I printed it off back when you first posted it, Joan. Funny enough, I started playing with it yesterday and then was looking for it again on here to see who posted the tut. I couldn't find it! Today it's at the top of the list!! Wonderful tutorial and a lot of fun to do. It does take patience etc. I've only made two and in both instances my first wrap of clear ends up sooty. I try to work further out (I'm on a HH) in the flame but then I find that my glass does not get hot enough to really flow. Perhaps I just need to take even more time to really heat everything up. It's such a beautiful technique, I really hope that I am going to be able to make this style of bead.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us, Joan!!
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Old 2011-04-12, 7:31am
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Ok, I tried again, thinking of making them stretch little more, which they did... wooohoooo!
If only I could get the pointy tips now.

Thank you so much for Joan and Eli for explaining further!

Oh, and excuse the crappiest clear ever... didnt want to waste my good clear for a practise bead yeah, Im cheap!
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Old 2011-04-12, 7:51am
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Originally Posted by piakaven View Post
Ok, I tried again, thinking of making them stretch little more, which they did... wooohoooo!
If only I could get the pointy tips now.

Thank you so much for Joan and Eli for explaining further!

Oh, and excuse the crappiest clear ever... didnt want to waste my good clear for a practise bead yeah, Im cheap!
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Old 2011-04-12, 8:04am
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Thanks Rache, if you look closely, you will even see my studio window as a reflection on my bead
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Old 2011-04-12, 9:04am
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Coolies... I can see it!

Oooooo Shiny!!!
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Old 2011-04-12, 9:25am
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Yeah... we'll just pretend it is there on purpose... I am too lazy to re-shoot some pics, just because I see myself, of some lint in them Just have to make sure not to take pics butt nekid!
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Old 2011-04-12, 1:47pm
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Pia - your bead is GORGEOUS!!! Now you need to make a whole set of them!!!!

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The Victorian Style Floral available now!
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Old 2011-04-12, 1:52pm
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Old 2011-04-12, 2:27pm
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Newbie question for you Pros.

I can not get the flowers to stretch. I can not make it round. It looks like a huge donut.
I get it to glow and hold it up and down.. I tried it over and over again but it just won't strech!
Is this mean I am not getting the bead hot enough?
Am I suppose to make it stretch between layers?

Thanks for the wonderful tut!

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Old 2011-04-12, 4:03pm
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That is exactly what keeps happening to me, Christy. I am on a HH too. I thought that my problem was that my bead wasn't getting hot enough but then on the other hand my clear would get sooty if I tried to heat it up more. So I'm not really sure what to do. It will be interesting to see the responses from the more experienced.
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