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View Poll Results: Annealing schedule for 104 COE
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Old 2015-02-23, 11:19am
catehearn catehearn is offline
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So, when batch annealing 104, what's a safe ramp-up TPH? I wish the table made more sense to me but I remain woefully unclear. I did my first program at a ramp-up rate of 70 degrees per hour but it seemed like a very long process. Is that unnecessarily slow? Also, if I take it up to 960 and soak for 30 mins, do I need to soak at 850 as well? I'm using a new Paragon Fusion 7, so it's brick lined. I thought I saw somewhere that the cool-down would be plenty slow enough if I just programmed it to shut off after 30 minutes at 960. Thoughts?
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Old 2015-02-24, 1:14am
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Speedslug Speedslug is offline
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This is what comes to my mind about ramping up to the annealing temperature when I think of doing a batch anneal run.

How much time would I take to get a rod of glass hot in the flame if that rod was as thick as the beads I am bringing up to annealing temp?
For me the answer is not a whole of time. Not instantly because that leads to frit on a stick and popping hot glass that we all are familiar with but pretty darn quick in the overall scheme of things.

I don't batch anneal but I would use the fastest speed my kiln provides to get 'up' to temperature. It will never be near as fast as a hot torch flame between the warming of the interior of the kiln and then the eventual soaking of heat into the inside of the bead.

I think the next question is how long to soak the beads at the annealing temperature to ensure that the heat gets into the core evenly.

I don't know that answer specifically but I would soak them for at least an hour once the kiln gets to the annealing temp.
If the volume of glass of all the beads was anything larger than a pack of cigarettes then I would double that time just to make sure that every single bead got to the annealing temp at its core.

Then I would follow Marks chart to bring them back down to room temp.
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Old 2015-02-27, 5:25am
catehearn catehearn is offline
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That makes great sense! I feel like I get it now. I'm ready!!
Thank you so much, Phill. You're a good teacher.
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Old 2017-02-11, 6:43pm
Aussiechick Aussiechick is offline
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Thanks everyone! Just recently purchased a Paragon kiln and been slightly confused on times & temperatures. All your responses have gone a long way to helping me work it out!
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anneal, annealing schedules

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