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Old 2013-03-10, 11:02am
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ISGB ISGB is offline
2013 Rochester Gathering!
Join Date: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 22
Default Geometric - A Juxtaposition of the Circle and the Square

Geometric - A Juxtaposition of the Circle and the Square

Many endeavors in beadmaking focus on creating a shape that is circular or square in one dimension or another. Both the circle and the square are utilized in so many shapes and techniques ranging from spherical ball beads, donuts, and discs to cubes, focal pendants, and rectangular bricks.

For this juried, individual bead exhibit, artists are invited to submit a bead featuring a circular or square shape either in construction or surface decoration. Are you drawn to rounded edges, or do you surround yourself with patterns of crisp, straight lines? Maybe you envision a cube with a grid pattern laid down with careful stringer work, or a sphere bead with squares of copper inlay? This eclectic array of geometric shapes will highlight dimensional artworks inspired by the infinite circle and the edgy square. The angles, spheres, and possibilities of interpretation are endless!

The submission deadline is May 3, 2013. Click
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for information on how to pay the entry fee and the application form. Emerging artists to those with established careers are encouraged to participate. Artists may submit as many beads as they like for the jury; however, a maximum of one bead per artist will be selected for the final exhibit.
International Society of Glass Beadmakers

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