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2012-05-11, 3:15pm
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Hayley, I sent mine priority today. I have one little set in there from my first day in class. I was so excited about them! She had not shown us dots yet, but I tried some anyway, lol. It is the light brown one with the teeny tiny dots.
Now I have to go pay for my page.
I guess I don't have any takers for my page scholarship. If anybody knows of a member that you think is worthy but might hesitate at the cost, please nominate them to me, and I will buy the page.

2012-05-13, 8:47pm
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Join Date: May 13, 2012
Posts: 2
that's right,I like this very much!!!
God helps them that help themselves.

2012-05-16, 4:54pm
silver glass addict
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All packages received! I haven't opened some of them yet but will do so when I photograph the beadies - hopefully tomorrow!
da List
Liz Bunn / Elizabeth Beads rec'd
Kathy / echeveria rec'd
Kris / Kris Schaible rec'd
Debi / debiweiss rec'd
Liz / eross rec'd
Deborah / debezog rec'd
Alicia / pinkcloud2 rec'd
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2012-05-16, 4:55pm
silver glass addict
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Originally Posted by echeveria
I guess I don't have any takers for my page scholarship. If anybody knows of a member that you think is worthy but might hesitate at the cost, please nominate them to me, and I will buy the page.
Kathy - are you still looking to sponsor a page for someone? I have a member who may take you up on it. Let me know and I will ask!
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2012-05-16, 7:08pm
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Yes ma'am. Can I paypal funds to you or them?

2012-05-16, 10:27pm
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I am a newbie too but willing to throw my hat in for a full page. Who do I pay? Do we also have to do a bio?
The size of pics is that the dimensions 1.5 x 2 or is it 300 dpi?
Do we also submit size of bead?
As you can tell totally newbie!
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2012-05-17, 10:59am
silver glass addict
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Originally Posted by Mickip15
I am a newbie too but willing to throw my hat in for a full page. Who do I pay? Do we also have to do a bio?
The size of pics is that the dimensions 1.5 x 2 or is it 300 dpi?
Do we also submit size of bead?
As you can tell totally newbie!
We love to have you participate, Mickip! All the information can be found in the links below. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Hayley
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2012-05-17, 11:00am
silver glass addict
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Originally Posted by echeveria
Yes ma'am. Can I paypal funds to you or them?
Awesome, Kathy! Off to pm you!
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2012-05-24, 10:27pm
silver glass addict
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Just want to let you know that I have done most of the photography and emailed you a pdf of your page to review - except for Liz and Alicia (will get it to you in a day or two!).
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2012-05-25, 6:39am
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I just opened my email with the photos of my beads. Hayley has made them look beautiful. Want to publicly thank you Hayley, for being so generous with your time and talent. You do so much for all of us and for ISGB.
I thank you, my beads thank you, and I know all the others on this thread thank you.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain."Hebrews 13:8
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2012-05-26, 1:21pm
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Hayley I will echo all that Deborah said!!!

2012-05-26, 9:23pm
silver glass addict
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Awwww! Thank you Deborah and Debi! I am just so happy that you are participating and contributing to Journey!
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2012-05-29, 3:01pm
Join Date: Dec 31, 2006
Posts: 23
Me too
You are so awesome to do this for us!! They look amazing.
Thank you,

2012-05-29, 6:12pm
AKA: Noodlesaurus
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Location: Palmerton, Pa
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I can't wait to see everyone photos!.... I know mine are super way over the top awesome... Can't wait to see the others... Thank you Hayley!...
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2012-05-29, 7:38pm
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Thanks Hayley, Wonder women with a camera!
"If you don't have the time to do it right, When will you find the time to do it over"
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2012-05-31, 8:44am
silver glass addict
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Thank you, Alicia, Kris and Liz!
Today is the deadline for Journey! If you are interested in participating but need more time to get your submission together, go ahead and pay today and email me to arrange for an extension as journey @ isgb . org (take out the spaces)! You KNOW you want to be part of this for participation is already overwhelming (well overwhelming for me anyway! lol!)
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2012-05-31, 2:38pm
Formerly Icarus Beads :)
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Hayley, how much longer do we have time to submit, if we pay today?
Another couple of days/one week/two weeks?
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2012-05-31, 3:07pm
silver glass addict
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How much time do you need? Going to pm you, Judith!
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2012-05-31, 6:32pm
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Do it Judith!
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"And all will turn to silver glass, a light on the water, grey ships pass into the west." Annie Lennox

2012-05-31, 7:27pm
Formerly Icarus Beads :)
Join Date: Jul 04, 2009
Location: Morgan Hill, CA
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Originally Posted by Elizabeth Beads
Do it Judith! 
Yes, I signed up for it.
Not sure when I get that sorted between a run this weekend, a Bbq at our house and us leaving for our 5 week vacation to Europe (which means I need to go to the hairdresser before and get gifts etc).
But somehow I will manage, as always LOL.
I need the pressure.
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2012-07-11, 9:49am
silver glass addict
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We want to thank you for the overwhelming participation and contribution! The sample book has been ordered and will be available for preview at the Gathering. We hope to send the pdf ebook to all the participants after the Gathering and Journey will be available for purchase as a pdf ebook as well as a print-on-demand on lulu.com shortly thereafter!
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2012-08-03, 10:27am
silver glass addict
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To all the participants of the ISGB Journey book - instruction to download your complimentary copy of the PDF has been sent via email! Please let me know if you haven't received it - journey @ isgb . org (take out the spaces). Please note this copy is for you only for Journey is not available for purchase until 15 August. Thank you!!!
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2012-08-03, 11:27am
Etched Metal Rocks...
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Looking forward to ordering a copy when it's ready!
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2012-08-03, 11:37am
silver glass addict
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Thank you, Lisa! I will surely post here when it's officially launched!
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2012-08-03, 8:45pm
AKA: Noodlesaurus
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Super Excited!...
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2012-08-04, 8:40am
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Hayley, it is beautiful!

2012-08-07, 1:20pm
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Originally Posted by AZ Joolz
Looking forward to ordering a copy when it's ready!
So am I!
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2012-09-19, 5:37am
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In case you were waiting to buy a copy.......
I just got an email from Lulu for 15% off ending September 21, 2012. The code word is "pirata". Another chance to participate in this lovely fundraiser and get a book besides! I had an issue with my first copy of Journey, Lulu addressed it and replaced it for free with a minimum of fuss, they are great to do business with! Jeri
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Still selling beadstands but no more Puffy Mandrels.
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