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Old 2009-03-03, 5:28pm
Deadfall Kid Deadfall Kid is offline
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Smile GTT Cheetah O2 use rate

Hello Everyone,

I am soon to upgrade to a GTT Cheetah. I know I will need more O2 for my setup, but I am curious if anyone knows how much these torches burn through. What PSI do they run at? How many hours can you get ou of a 125 cu/ft. green tank of O2? I am at a cross roads since I will go with multiple green tanks or a 160 Liter liquid O2 tank. The cost is the same, but since I live in an area where I can only get O2 once every two weeks I am trying to figure out what I need. If anyone has any experience with how many hours a GTT Cheetah willl run on a 125 cu/ft. green tank, please let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
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Old 2009-03-03, 5:47pm
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My tanks were about twice that size and they generally lasted about 20 to 25 hours, but it really depends on how you run your torch.

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Old 2009-03-05, 10:43am
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Default cheetah

On a Cheetah GTT calls for 20 to 25lbs of pressure. That is a concideral amount of oxy. I myself have 2 oxycons with 8.5 psi each so, I am not running my torch at full power but, I am torching 19mm boro at at satisfactory rate. I suggest purchasing the cheetah use your tank and go from thier, you will find that the cheetah will cut your torching time in half. Although purchasing a new torch is like learning all your techniques over again. You will be amazed at what you can do with a new cheetah I am
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Old 2009-03-05, 9:12pm
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try these 2 links they have the info you are looking for.
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cheetah, gtt, liquid o2, oxygen

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