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Old 2013-05-06, 12:30pm
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Exclamation Help, need quick reply b/f it is sold... is this fan for studio ventilation okay?

Setting up my first studio!

If I act quickly (online 2nd-hand sale) I can:
- get an old standard range hood for free
- buy a 2nd-hand 8 inch 636 CFM fan (Model Elicient AXC 200b) on for $75. Seller says it is UL rated, but I have no idea what that means?
This gives fan details: (

Does it sound feasible to put these two together? That is a likely a sufficient CFM fan, I think, if I understand after reading through some of Dale's articles? The fan was just posted online on Kijiji just now... I am afraid if I do not act fast I will lose it! (I think the price is very very good, am I right??)

Plan to have my table and torch under a small window in a bsmt room. Room is about 13 x 15 feet. The venting would go straight up about 3-4 feet and then right-angle to go out the window. I know from Dave's posts to use straight, not corrugated venting, when the time comes.

I am doing off-mandrel soft glass, no fuming or anything. I am purchasing a Lucio torch. Cannot find any info online for setting up this torch except Carlisle's basic info page!

Just learning, thanks for your help, oh experienced wise lampworkers! (even a not-so experienced opinion would be welcome!)

Calgary, AB, Canada

Last edited by TJ; 2013-05-06 at 2:17pm.
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Old 2013-05-06, 6:48pm
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Lorraine Chandler Lorraine Chandler is offline
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Hi Tami, it is not the size of the room but the size of the Barley box or hood area. A Barley Box is best to actually capture fumes so they can be exhausted.

Here is a link to a site with lots of great answers.
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Old 2013-05-06, 7:08pm
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Thanks Lorraine... I have indeed read and read many posts on ventilation, but am still confused. Math is not my strong suit. I *think* this would work, but wish someone with experience could confirm it. I do not trust myself!

As for hood size, I was figuring whatever that standard range hood thingy is would suffice. I read online that that is usually either 30" or 36". But I don't "get" how to use that to do a calculation, even after reading for hours. I was then planning on just wrapping a bit of a C-shaped back "skirt" of metal flashing around the back of it. But I also see photos on LE of "hoods" that appear to be flashing bent into a funnel-shape, homemade. I have not seen a post that states whether one is better than the other, or that the shape of a range hood is not sufficient (they only mention that the FAN in it is not powerful enough... therefore I figured that replacing the fan but using the housing as the entry point for fumes is doable. Please do let me know if I am totally out to lunch, it is entirely possible!)


Last edited by TJ; 2013-05-06 at 7:16pm.
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Old 2013-05-06, 7:14pm
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Just as important as getting fumes out is getting makeup air in. You need to replace the air that is getting sucked out in order for any vent to be effective.
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Old 2013-05-06, 10:33pm
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Lorraine Chandler Lorraine Chandler is offline
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Originally Posted by TJ View Post
Thanks Lorraine... I have indeed read and read many posts on ventilation, but am still confused.

Ah...I remember it well, the utter confusion, the headaches, frustration, Chocolate.

Math is not my strong suit. I *think* this would work, but wish someone with experience could confirm it. I do not trust myself!

Mine either but it really is made simple if you have a Barley Box style system. Then you just have to measure the opening. Viola! Your done. 125 CFM per sq. foot of opening.

Mine is 2'X4' 2 x 4 = 8

Eight square foot opening. 8 X 125 = 1000 CFM needed for my work bench area

As for hood size, I was figuring whatever that standard range hood thingy is would suffice. I read online that that is usually either 30" or 36".

That would be 7.5 square feet of opening.

7.5 x 125= 937.5 I think. That is the minimum CFM you would need

Please do let me know if I am totally out to lunch, it is entirely possible!)

You are fine just going through the lampwork growing pains. We have all been there.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by Lorraine Chandler; 2013-05-06 at 10:45pm.
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Old 2013-05-07, 11:57am
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Mike at Aura says this is not powerful enough, and the brand not reputed to last long or reliably.

So I am off to seek a 900+ CFM fan... wish me luck!
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fan, installation, studio, vent, ventilation

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