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Old 2016-04-13, 11:32am
Greenhammerstudio Greenhammerstudio is offline
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Default Soldering multiple pearl posts - Help?

I'm working on a concept for a piece and I need to solder multiple pearl posts to it. Does anyone know how I can go about doing them either all at once or in groups? I'm also concerned with one's melting or falling as I'm working on others.

Ideas anyone?
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Old 2016-04-13, 1:15pm
ESC ESC is offline
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If they're all on the same base piece, you're either going to have to get awfully good with a pinpoint flame and differing grades of solder or use a laser welder. The laser welder doesn't make any appreciable heat, so you could just go from one to the next. Of course, it also costs about $5000, so there is that.
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Old 2016-04-13, 1:28pm
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When I was soldering electronic components back in the day...

We used needle nosed pliers with rubber bands around the handles and pinched the part we were soldering with them.

They would effectively steal the heat to keep it from going past the them and prevent other solder joints from coming loose.

If you are quick enough and the joints are clean and have flux to prevent the oxidation from spoiling the joint you can even use alligator clips but you do have to be rather quick as the thin metal of alligator clips don't soak up much heat.

Another trick you can do is to wrap previously soldered joints tightly with soft copper wire and you can then weave this wire from one joint to the next and the next with each one getting a good solid full wrap before going on to the next.

And other thought that just came to mind might be to try precious metal clay as a packing around already soldered joints. We did not have it back in my day but it is mostly metal powder and should wick the heat away. Just a thought. Good luck.
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Old 2016-04-13, 2:06pm
kansassky kansassky is offline
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There is a product for this. Heat gel.
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Old 2016-04-13, 2:19pm
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I have soldered multiple posts before on a pendant. I drilled holes in the base piece that were just big enough to fit the post wires. I extended the post wires to the other side and stuck them into my fireblock. This kept them from moving. After soldering I trimmed off the excess and filed it smooth.
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Old 2016-04-13, 3:30pm
ESC ESC is offline
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Dix, I may have to give the Chill Gel another go. I've tried it before without any luck, but maybe the next time the magic will happen.
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Old 2016-04-13, 4:36pm
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There's a solder board that is soft enough that it can be used as Mina described without drilling but I can't remember what it's called. I
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Old 2016-04-13, 4:56pm
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How close together do they need to be?

When soldering posts, I find it helpful to add the solder to the post first, then add it to whatever it is getting soldered to, then heat to soldering point again to attach.

Can the piece lay flat? If so, that makes soldering close easier. If not, can you carve a channel in your soldering block to hold the piece at the desired level?

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Last edited by artwhim; 2016-04-13 at 5:03pm.
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falling, flux, jewelry, melting, multiple, pearl, piece, posts, solder

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