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Old 2013-07-31, 7:26pm
bigpurpleb bigpurpleb is offline
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Cool My First Public Demonstration Tomorrow. Suggestions Please!

Aloha Amigos! Cowboy here, it's been a long while since I've posted on here and things have really moved forward. I'm still a novice lampworker, there's always that never-ending list of things to improve and learn, but I've managed to get to a point where I was invited to do a public Lampworking Demonstration at a nice local bead store. Over the past couple weeks I have been feverishly collecting everything necessary to safely entertain the masses, the event is this Saturday and I'm finally ready. My safety measures are as follows:

I built a three-foot high acrylic shield that goes around three sides of my workbench. The acrylic is 1/4 inch thick, supported by eight 3/16 inch steel strips that are bolted to the workbench. Aluminum angle-iron is bolted onto the front corners so that no glass can accidently slip through a gap in the shield. The bench was custom-built by my girlfriend's awesome grandfather, it is 36 inches square on top. I made a small platform to raise my torch off of the table about two inches and, even without that, the heat from the torch goes well above the top of the shield so the shield won't get wrecked.

I bought three pairs of Didymium glasses for viewers who wish to watch closely or for extended periods of time. Those are pretty standard, I plan on using ball chain to hang the glasses from the tent where people can easily access them and they'll be safe from dropping on the ground.

I have an eleven by seventeen sign with large print explaining that people can't come behind the bench, they must not stare directly at the sodium flare for too long, and that they can't touch anything.

As far as safety goes, how does that sound?

Also, do any of you lovely people have suggestions as to what I should be bringing? I have one or two rods rod of almost every glass that I've got, all of the tools that I use on even a semi-regular basis, just a whole ton of stuff. I'm even bringing a wick, extra flints, and lighter fluid in case my lucky Zippo decides to try and screw me over. I don't want to forget anything, so let me know all of your ideas!

Thanks in advance! Cowboy out.

P.S. I will definitely take pictures to show you guys after the event, but I don't have time to set up and take pictures before. Sorry!
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Last edited by bigpurpleb; 2013-08-02 at 6:03pm.
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Old 2013-07-31, 8:32pm
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pull stringer, they're fascinated by that, make twisties, then use the stringer and twisties to make simple quick beads
dont take any shocky glass, stick to simple colours

i fire polished the ends of short lengths of twistie and gave them to onlookers once they were cool

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- download, get organised, enjoy
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Old 2013-07-31, 8:55pm
queenofsheba52 queenofsheba52 is offline
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Definitely this ^^^^^

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Old 2013-07-31, 9:50pm
bigpurpleb bigpurpleb is offline
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Originally Posted by PerfectDeb View Post
i fire polished the ends of short lengths of twistie and gave them to onlookers once they were cool

That sounds like an awesome idea!! Thank you!
Check out my sculptures and other work!

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Old 2013-08-01, 12:27pm
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Yes. Business Cards and some pieces you've already done (with price tags!)
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Old 2013-08-02, 7:51am
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I agree twisties fascinate! And simple round beads. Also yellow or striking colors (like cheap ones, orange electric yellow) and I bring murnini chips for people to play with. They think its cool. I usually bring beads still on Mandela for people to pass around and get the idea when I am actually doing it. Be prepared for the popular "stone" comments. They all think ur melting stones... Odd but ya...
Minor 10lpm Oxy-Con + HH on Propylene . . . . . .

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hand dyed silk ribbons in many colors!
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Old 2013-08-02, 12:54pm
bigpurpleb bigpurpleb is offline
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Originally Posted by Elegance_1 View Post
Yes. Business Cards and some pieces you've already done (with price tags!)
I'm actually kind of lucky - the bead shop already sells my glasswork. I met the owner several years ago when I was making a bracelet out of silver spoons for my girlfriend and I needed some help. A few months after she opened her own store, I stumbled upon her website and went in to check the place out. She was excited when I started making glass beads and this past January I brought my first batch of beads for sale, it was so exciting!
Check out my sculptures and other work!

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Old 2013-08-02, 12:54pm
bigpurpleb bigpurpleb is offline
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Originally Posted by jaci View Post
They all think ur melting stones... Odd but ya...

That's actually a little funny, when I was little I wanted to open a photography studio called Melting Stone Photography.
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Old 2013-08-02, 1:42pm
losthelm losthelm is offline
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Pratice with your setup and lighting befor the demo.
Working outside in the sun can make it hard to see the flame, a piece of steel painted black can help.

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Old 2013-08-02, 2:06pm
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I think blowing some shards would be interesting and then putting them on a bead. I think this would show how many possibilities and how versatile glass is.

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Old 2013-08-02, 11:58pm
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Yea.. I'm thinking its more than just CT folks... But you never know..... They keep referring to the glass rods and beads as stone... Stone that comes in different colors go figure... I've had arguments with people literally that it's glass.. That I melted it, that you can't melt. Rocks (well not like this) and once picked up a rock and put it in the flame! Dude was thick! LOL! Lets know how your demo goes. I've done a bunch of shows down your way where I did demos, most had a great response! Fire draws a crowd, and yes people will probably want to buy something. Even if its just a orphan bead for a dollar. They want a souvenir of sorts. And people time out after 3 min usually, so keep it simple, I bring frit and scissors, for easy fast "tricks" you know, picking up color, and cutting glass discs into flowers or a heart. The splier the better unless you have real groupies lol! When I first did demos I brought everything but the kitchen sink! Now I've got it down to one plastic shoe box of equipment. And if I'm traveling light I bring the HH to torch on... So simple. I usually forget to bring my rod rest and a tile as a work surface, but if I have at least one, I'm carefully ok.
Minor 10lpm Oxy-Con + HH on Propylene . . . . . .

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hand dyed silk ribbons in many colors!
WASHERS & TOPPERS - layering components for interchangeable glass topper and to use in other jewelry/metalwork.:
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